Volume 17, Issue 4 (ٌWinter 2023)                   jmed 2023, 17(4): 306-317 | Back to browse issues page

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parvin E, Najafpour A, najafpour H. Investigating the Level of Organizational Learning among Employees of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. jmed 2023; 17 (4) :306-317
URL: http://jmed.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1360-en.html
Graduated in Higher Education Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Management and Planning, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran , ehsan_parvin@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (555 Views)
Introduction: In order to achieve a higher level of performance and success, organizations are always looking for the maximum benefit of organizational learning.
Methods: The current research is a descriptive-applied cross-sectional study. The statistical population of this research included all the administrative and medical staff of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 1400-1401. Using Cochran's formula, a sample size of 530 people was obtained and by taking into account the depreciation factor of 20%, resulted in a sample size of 440 people. Sampling was simple random. The data collection tool was Marquardt's 1996 learning organization profile questionnaire, which included five dimensions of organization, knowledge, learning, technology, and people. In order to analyze the data, independent t-tests, analysis of variance and correlation analysis were used.
Results: The results of this research showed that among the components of organizational learning, the lowest score for the technology dimension (22.63) and the highest score for the people dimension (25.71), based on the history related to the people dimension (25.87) and the lowest score for the dimension Technology (22.72) and the highest score based on the level of education related to the dimension of people among people with post-graduate and doctorate education was 29.69 and the lowest score related to the technology dimension among people with bachelor's education was 22.05.
Conclusion: Based on this, the purpose of the current research is to investigate the level of organizational learning of the employees of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. University managers can increase the organizational learning of employees by training and improving the organizational structure in their university.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical Education
Received: 2022/10/18 | Accepted: 2022/12/6 | Published: 2023/03/5

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