kavianii H, shah javan M. Identifying and Classifying the Mindfulness of Medical Students on Effective Factors on the Effectiveness of a Learning Management System (LMS). jmed 2019; 14 (2) :83-97
Ph.D Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education and Psychology. University of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran , hasan.kaviani66@gmail.com
Abstract: (3965 Views)
Introduction: Learning management system is one of the most effective methods in teaching and learning The present study aims to identify and categorize effective factors on the effectiveness of this system from students' point of view.
Methods: The present study uses exploratory and '' Q method'. The study participants were Students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in academic year 2016-2017. According to the Q methodology, a small sample of participants were selected based on the purposeful sampling method for the interview Accordingly, 42 statements were identified. Then, 25 students were selected for quantitative study based on the targeted method. Content validity was used to assess the validity of the content and to evaluate reliability; Cronbach's alpha test was used. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 software.
Result: The results showed that a good learning management system should have 42 characteristics from students' point of view. These characteristics led to the identification of six mental patterns, including; ease of use, accessibility, individual attention, positive attitude, independent learning, and usefulness.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of a learning management system should be continuously evaluated from the point of view of its stakeholders. Therefore the six identified mental models in the present study are suggested as a guide and a model for designing and improving the quality of the learning management system in medical universities.
Keywords: Educational effectiveness, Learning management system, Qi Method
Type of Study:
Research |
Medical Education Received: 2018/05/6 | Accepted: 2018/08/29 | Published: 2019/08/14