Toushmali G, Alimohammadzadeh K, Maher A, Hoseini S M, Bahadori M. Designing a Third Generation University Model with a Combined Approach in Islamic Azad Universities of Medical Sciences. jmed 2020; 14 (4) :270-285
Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Health Economics Policy Research Center, Tehran Medical Sciences Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. ,
Abstract: (3742 Views)
Introduction: Universities have undergone various stages in their evolutionary development. At the heart of these developments is the debate on academic entrepreneurship under the auspices of a third generation university. The theoretical and practical importance of the subject on the one hand and the lack of infrastructure studies in third generation universities in the country have led to a fundamental study in the design of a third generation native university model.
Methods: In this study, a mixed method based approach was used. In the first step, the content analysis method was used to analyze specialized interviews, and in the second step, a final model was presented using structural-interpretive method. Data analysis was performed in qualitative phase with MAXQDA software and in quantitative phase with MICMAC software. The statistical population of this study includes experts of Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences who were selected by purposeful sampling. The data collection tool was interview and questionnaire. To achieve the research objectives, a set of applied indicators were identified by analyzing interviews with experts.
Result: The main themes of this research are fundraising, innovation, technological entrepreneurship management and professors' entrepreneurial approach. Then, these factors were analyzed using interpretive-structural modeling techniques, and eventually the relationship and sequence of indices were obtained. Due to the leveling of the final model of the third generation university was designed in Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences.
Conclusion: Based on this pattern, entrepreneurial organizational culture is at the heart of the model. To achieve the ultimate goals of the model, emphasis must be placed on the general level of Students entrepreneurial skills and activities, Students theoretical skills, entrepreneurial knowledge of professors, the culture of accepting new ideas and projects, the realization of knowledge-based development and commercialization of science, and the establishment of knowledge-based companies..
Keywords: Third Generation University, Entrepreneurship, Medical Sciences, Mixed Approach
Type of Study:
Research |
Health Services Management Received: 2019/09/8 | Accepted: 2019/11/16 | Published: 2020/03/15