nasiriani K, zare reshkoeyeh M, arman M, mirzaei S. The effect of Peer instructor teaching and clinical supervision on the status and stressors of clinical nursing education. jmed 2020; 15 (2) :96-106
PhD of Health in Disasters and Emergencies, Shahid Rahnemoun Hospital, Yazd University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran ,
Abstract: (2351 Views)
Introduction: Peer instructor teaching is an educational model in which senior students teach to their classmates or junior students. Clinical supervision is a formal, systematic, and continuous that the inexperienced person reviews and improves their performance by receiving advice from a supervisor or expert. Clinical education is a vital component of the medical science curriculum and the quality and control of its stressors are important. The purpose of this study was to combine peer instructor training model with clinical supervision on the status and stressors of clinical nursing education.
Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study in which a combined Peer instructor teaching and clinical supervision program was implemented. The research samples were 60 nursing students of Yazd nursing and Midwifery College who were studying in third and sixth semesters. They were selected by purposive sampling method. Data gathering tools included a four-part questionnaire including demographic characteristics, a questionnaire for assessing instructor performance in clinical education, a standard questionnaire for clinical stressors, a course satisfaction questionnaire and a clinical supervisor completed by self-report. Data analysis was done using SPSS 16 software.
Result: on the finding the mean score of peer instructor evaluation was 56.42 ± 9.38 and mean score of clinical stressors was 38.72 ± 5.6. Peer instructor in most cases agreed with the peer instructor program and clinical supervision program.
Conclusion: From the learners' point of view, peer instructor performance is at a good level, as well as clinical stressors at the boundary level between moderate and weak, although both results are satisfactory but there is a need for more careful planning and more training by peer educators and more accurate clinical supervision.
Type of Study:
Research |
Medical Education Received: 2019/11/24 | Accepted: 2020/01/11 | Published: 2020/09/21